Mark Hanvey

VP Procurement & Logistics at JLHI - part of John Lewis Partnership (Prev. Director of Procurement at Fujitsu Telecoms)
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LinkedIn: Mark Hanvey
Location: Solihull, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: John Lewis & Partners
Current title:
VP Procurement & Logistics (JLHI)
Last updated: 17/07/2023 11:25 AM
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Mark Hanvey is from Solihull, England, United Kingdom. Mark is currently VP Procurement & Logistics (JLHI) at John Lewis & Partners, located in Stoke-on-Trent and London. In Mark's previous role as a Operations Consultant at Flomatik Network Services, Mark worked in Birmingham, United Kingdom until Jul 2017. Prior to joining Flomatik Network Services, Mark was a Director of Procurement & Supplier Management at Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd and held the position of Director of Procurement & Supplier Management at Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham. Prior to that, Mark was a Director of Procurement & New Product Introduction at Fujitsu Telecommunications, based in Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham from Nov 2004 to Jan 2007. Mark started working as Director of Field Services/Operations Director at Fujitsu Telecommunications in Jan 1994.

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Mark Hanvey's current jobs
Title: VP Procurement & Logistics (JLHI)
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years)
Location: Stoke-on-Trent and London

VP Procurement & Logistics with responsibility for JLHI Supply Chain, Insurance and Fleet.

Mark Hanvey's past jobs
Company: Flomatik Network Services
Title: Operations Consultant
Period: Oct 2016 - Jul 2017 (9 months)
Location: Birmingham, United Kingdom

Fixed term commission as an Operations Consultant to a telecoms network installation company in the West Midlands. Advising on, and helping manage, HR, Warehouse & Logistics, Supply Chain, Facilities and Equipment Staging.

Title: Director of Procurement & Supplier Management
Period: Jan 2007 - Jul 2014 (7 years, 6 months)
Location: Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham

Responsible for all materials and services spend, supplier management, operational planning as well as the company vehicle fleet. Sourcing, negotiation, contract set-up and supplier management of supply base to service Virgin Media contract (both business cabling, civils work and residential installation for 60% of the Virgin Media network – including the placement of NEC3 contracts with suppliers).

Title: Director of Procurement & New Product Introduction
Period: Nov 2004 - Jan 2007 (2 years, 2 months)
Location: Birmingham Business Park, Birmingham

Responsible for all FTEL's procurement - and New Product Introduction through to volume manufacture. Negotiation and implementation of multi-million pound, worldwide supply and service contracts (China, Poland, Czech Republic, Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, US, etc..) for electronic components, materials and communications kit, labour resource geared to the supply of equipment and services to BT for 21CN Broadband roll-out across the UK

Title: Director of Field Services/Operations Director
Period: Jan 1994 - Oct 2004 (10 years, 9 months)

Responsible for 400+ field engineers and the NOC, rolling out Broadband on behalf of BT, TalkTalk and other carriers. Growth and management of the Fujitsu business unit that installed 60% of the BT Broadband Exchange Network of the UK against strong competition. This included requisite infrastructure (Overhead Ironwork, Cable Assemblies, Power Racks, etc..) as well as the Fujitsu built and supplied ‘Carrier’ equipment. With subsequent connection and commissioning to the incumbent backhaul, metro and WAN networks.Also the sourcing, set-up and management of an 18 month contract to resource and supply non-UK technicians to work on the BT External Network upgrade in advance of 21CN equipment installation. This included over 300 EU and non-EU technicians.

Mark Hanvey's education
Solihull College & University Centre
1976 - 1978
South & City College Birmingham
1982 - 1984
Tudor Grange Grammar
1971 - 1976
Mark Hanvey's top skills
Operations Management Wireless Supply Management Fiber Optics Telecommunications Strategy Contract Negotiation Optical Fiber Program Management Team Management Project Management Procurement Management Outsourcing Business Process Improvement Forecasting Broadband Vendor Management Continuous Improvement Product Development
Mark Hanvey's Colleagues
Simon Skelton
Platform & Operations Manager (JL&P)
London, England, United Kingdom
Daniele Mercante
Head of CRM & Loyalty
London, England, United Kingdom
Christian Mason
Digital Delivery & Operations
London, England, United Kingdom
Eva Cullen
Head of Customer Fulfilment Operations
London, England, United Kingdom
Sarah Moughtin
Buyer Nursery
London, England, United Kingdom
Mark Hanvey has 11K+ colleagues in total at John Lewis & Partners. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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