
Lift as You Rise [M:E]

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Lift as You Rise proudly presents, The Lighthouse! "The Lighthouse" is a leadership conference tailored to empower young adults beyond their comfort zones. We are here to equip those who are venturing the working industry with the most insightful guidance to unlock your full potential beyond personal success. The "Lighthouse" is a symbol to represent the leaders in our lives. The ones who are aware of their environment - the obstacles in the distance and the challenges up ahead. It symbolizes a persona that is burning with passion to serve as a guiding light of hope and strength. We are reaching out to YOU - the young adults and professionals who are on the hunt for their true voice and in need of a push to embrace their hidden skills. Build your own leadership philosophy with us! Join us this year at "The Managing Expectations Conference 2020"! We will explore what makes a person's brand, the key elements of adapting to new influences and the essentials of your hustle. Activate your brand; Grow your mind; and Hustle for success with The Lighthouse! Supported by World Startup Festival (WSF).

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management consulting
People working at Lift as You Rise [M:E]
Dhivya Tharshini Nagentheran
Project Director for M:E Conference 2020
Cheryl Witha Osei
Founder@ People Developer
Israel Lewis
You can find 3 people working at Lift as You Rise [M:E] on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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