PagSeguro UOL

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PagSeguro fosters innovative solutions in financial services and means of payment, automating the purchase, sale and wiring process in order to leverage business for any individual or legal entity, in a simple and secure manner. As a company owned by the Folha/UOL Group – the Brazilian internet leader – PagSeguro operates as an issuer, acquirer and offers digital accounts, besides providing complete solutions for online and face-to-face payments (for mobile devices and POS devices). PagSeguro also offers a wide variety of means of payment, such as credit, debit and meal cards, as well as bank wiring, billet payments, account balance check, among others. The company is regulated by the Central Bank of Brazil as an electronic money issuing institution and acquirer, and has partnerships with the main card brands. Its parent company, PagSeguro Digital, is publicly traded in the United States (NYSE: PAGS) and regulated by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).

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PagSeguro UOL's headquarter address
Line 1: 1384 avenida brigadeiro faria lima, são paulo, state of são paulo, brazil, 01451-001
Line 2: 1384 Avenida Brigadeiro Faria Lima
PagSeguro UOL's industries
Financial Services
PagSeguro UOL's technology
People working at PagSeguro UOL
Guilherme Porto Florido
Director - Digital Bank Strategy and Products (Individual and Business accounts)
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Ricardo Sales
Diretor executivo
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Renata Bertolini
Head of Innovation
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Ricardo Dutra
CEO (Chief Executive Officer/Diretor Geral)
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Andrea Poffo Palma
Head Produtos Consignados e Novos Negócios
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Thereza Bizzo
Head Comercial SP
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Arilda Vasconcelos
Diretora de CRM e Atendimento a Clientes
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Jorge Adamski
Head of IT | Investments
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Marlei Silva
Director - Digital Bank
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
Alexandre Magnani
Chief Operating officer
Frei Paulo, Sergipe, Brazil
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