RAM Active Investments

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RAM Active Investments "RAM AI"​ is a systematic asset manager with a long experience in creating value for its customers in any market condition. Research is at the heart of our disciplined approach to investment, which enables us to identify and continually exploit new market inefficiencies by adopting the latest innovative technologies. Founded in 2007, RAM Active Investments, an affiliate of Mediobanca Group since March 2018, operates independently worldwide with 30+ employees and four offices in Geneva (headquarter), Zurich, Luxembourg and Milan.

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People working at RAM Active Investments
Maxime Botti
Senior Fund Manager/Co-Founder/Partner
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Andrew Fraser
Chief Executive Officer
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Thierry Dessingy
Head of Quantitative Trading
Sébastien BILLOT
Independent Board Member
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Tian GUO, PhD
Senior Data Scientist/Quantitative Researcher
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Vincent Ollivier
Credit Portfolio Manager
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Alexandra Young
Non Executive Member of Board of Directors
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Nicolas Jamet, CFA
Systematic Equity Fund Manager, Lead ESG Integration
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Daniel L.
IT Operations Manager - Associate Director
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
Gianluca Carnevale Garè, Executive MBA
Head of Sales Retail Italy & Milan Branch Manager
Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland
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