SevenBell Fitness

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SevenBell is not about being better than other gyms. Our focus is being better than we were yesterday. Our focus is focus. We want our clients to get in their head that it is all about you and being better. Raising the bar to challenge yourself to feel better and look better. That is our only goal for you! It does not matter how old or young you are, or what level you are starting out. The only thing that matters is how you end and there is no time limit on dreams, but there is a process. Our trainers will make sure you go through that process correctly and at your max potential enjoying the result of your hard work. The process is priceless at SevenBell.

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SevenBell Fitness's headquarter address
Line 1: 640 dean st, brooklyn, new york, usa, 11238
Line 2: 640 Dean St
SevenBell Fitness's industries
health, wellness & fitness
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People working at SevenBell Fitness
Jesse Barocas
Brooklyn, New York, United States
One Bell
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Marc Oquendo
Front Desk Staff
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Cynthia Florek
Spinning Instructor
Alia Salomon
Yoga Instructor
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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