TelForceOne S.A.

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TelForceOne S.A. is one the largest manufacturers and distributors of consumer electronics in Central and Eastern Europe. We provide a wide range of products and high quality service. We achieved a strong market position through the knowledge combined with the quality and availability of our products, as well as consistent and professional approach to business cooperation. Many years of experience that deepens since 2001 makes TelForceOne a reliable and proven partner. During years of our operation we initiated cooperation with the number of customers in whole the world. Our accessories are available in grocery stores and supermarkets, electronics chains, e-commerce, mobile network operators, and in many stores with GSM accessories throughout the world.

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TelForceOne S.A.'s headquarter address
Line 1: ulica Krakowska 119, Wrocław, Woj. Dolnośląskie, PL
Line 2: 119 ulica Krakowska
TelForceOne S.A.'s industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
TelForceOne S.A.'s technology
ASP.NET Apache Bootstrap Framework DoubleClick DoubleClick Conversion Facebook Custom Audiences Facebook Login (Connect) Facebook Widget Google AdSense Google AdWords Conversion Google Analytics Google Dynamic Remarketing Google Remarketing Google Tag Manager Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly Multilingual Rackspace MailGun YouTube
People working at TelForceOne S.A.
Katarzyna Kostecka
Supply Chain & Operations Director
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Michael Marciniak
Business Development Manager
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Adam Kowalski
General Director / Member of Board
Marta Jany
Sourcing Director
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Jacek Kalamat
Member Of The Supervisory Board
Sebastian Sawicki
Magdalena Skowrońska
Product Manager
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Paweł Turek
Senior Product Manager
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Marcin Kubacki
Director of Strategy and Business Development
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Alicja Preisner
Product Manager
Wrocław, Dolnośląskie, Poland
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