Venture Out Wellness, PLLC

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Venture Out Wellness, PLLC is a Woman Veteran-Owned Business, and we are passionate about serving first responders. We provide an embedded model of care for First Responders that includes on-site, direct access injury prevention services so First Responders can remain active in serving our communities and experience the quality of life they deserve. Musculoskeletal aches and pains are addressed swiftly and safely by our lead physical therapist, Dr. Karen Hedenschoug, PT, DPT, an Air Force veteran who has served as an embedded physical therapist on multiple military teams including Air Force Special Operations in the Middle East and Japan. Her experience in leading direct access physical therapy and human performance operations in several military units and civilian clinics over the past 14 years across the US and internationally is invaluable to first responder teams and the health of our communities. We are First There for First Responders.

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Venture Out Wellness, PLLC's headquarter address
Line 1: fort walton beach, fl 32548, us
Venture Out Wellness, PLLC's industries
health, wellness & fitness
People working at Venture Out Wellness, PLLC
Dr. Karen Hedenschoug, PT, DPT, OCS, CSCS, Cert. DN
Founder and CEO
Fort Walton Beach, Florida, United States
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