ZKTeco Europe

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ZKTECO is an internationally renowned enterprise which specializes in advanced biometric verification technologies and security solutions bringing to the market products focusing on: Smart Identity Authentication Applications, Smart Entrance Control Solutions, including pedestrian and vehicular, Smart Office, and Smart Access solutions to automate all your attendance processes and to strengthen building security and surveillance. ZKTeco offers services on all fronts: public-service, enterprise-level and personal users. As a global company, ZKTeco is present in more than 40 countries and territories in Europe, USA, Brazil, Middle East, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, India, South Africa, Argentina, among others. With over 3,800 employees globally and over 1,100 R&D engineers, ZKTeco has manufacturing plants in Dongguan and three companies specializing in biometric verification, business operations, and processor test laboratories in the USA. Additionally, ZKTeco has R&D centers for innovation and design located in Europe, India and China. Our global presence and team of dedicated experts further enhances our ability to provide local products, local logistics, local support, and local services to our customers and partners worldwide. ZKTeco Europe has its headquarters in Madrid, Spain, focusing on proximity, quality, value, marketing, sales, logistics, customer services, RMA, and product warranties for the entire ZKTeco product range throughout the EU territory. From our headquarters, we manage logistics & warehouse operations with a capacity of over 3.000m2 to optimize product distribution and RMA services. Additionally, Madrid is home to our EU R&D Center, an essential service to design and develop products and solutions specifically adapted to our European customers. ZKTeco Europe has wholly-owned subsidiaries in United Kingdom, Spain, and Italy and local presence in Romania, Poland, and Portugal.

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ZKTeco Europe's headquarter address
Line 1: Carretera de Fuencarral, 44, Building 1, 2nd Floor, Alcobendas, Community of Madrid 28108, ES
Line 2: 1 Carretera de Fuencarral
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People working at ZKTeco Europe
Fernando Ducay Real
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Roberto Cabana
Executive Director
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Samuel Muñoz G.
Head Of Products
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Carmen Cantalapiedra
Commercial Director
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Emilio Garcia Arredondo
CTO at ZKTeco EU
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Daniela Muruzábal Orduna
Purchase Manager
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Jessica Perret
Business Development Manager
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Miguel Blanco
Technical Manager
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Carlos Alberto Vacas Gleason
Business Development Manager
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Ismael Gonzalez Aparicio
Marketing Product Management
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
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