Fernando Ducay Real

C.E.O ZKTeco Europe
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Location: Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area
Current employer: ZKTeco Europe
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Last updated: 22/02/2024 08:43 AM
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Fernando Ducay Real is from Greater Madrid Metropolitan Area. Fernando Ducay works in the following industries: "安保和调查", and "电器/电子制造". Fernando Ducay is currently C.E.O at ZKTeco Europe, located in Madrid y alrededores, España.

You can find Fernando Ducay Real's email address at FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Fernando Ducay Real's current jobs
Company: ZKTeco Europe
Title: C.E.O
Period: Mar 2010 - Present (14 years, 10 months)
Location: Madrid y alrededores, España
Fernando Ducay Real's education
El Prado
El Prado
Fernando Ducay Real's top skills
Dirección Negociación
Fernando Ducay Real's Colleagues
Emilio Garcia Arredondo
CTO at ZKTeco EU
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Roberto Cabana
Executive Director
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Carmen Cantalapiedra
Commercial Director
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Samuel Muñoz G.
Head Of Products
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Miguel Vegas Solano
Director internacional
Alcobendas, Community of Madrid, Spain
Fernando Ducay Real has 69 colleagues in total at ZKTeco Europe. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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