Aaron Atkinson

Business VoIP
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Email: ****n@yovu.ca
LinkedIn: Aaron Atkinson
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
Current employer: YOVU Office Phone
Current title:
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Aaron Atkinson is from London, Ontario, Canada. Aaron works in the following industries: "Telecommunications". Aaron is currently President at YOVU Office Phone, located in London, ON. Aaron also works as President at LCA Systems Inc., a job Aaron has held since Jan 2011. In Aaron's previous role as a biz dev at Convergent Telecom, Aaron worked in until Jan 2011.

You can find Aaron Atkinson's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Aaron Atkinson's current jobs
Title: President
Period: Feb 2011 - Present (13 years, 11 months)
Location: London, ON
Company: LCA Systems Inc.
Title: President
Period: Jan 2011 - Present (14 years)
Location: 517 Consortium Court, London, On

We provide reliable phone service to businesses in Canada and our other specialty is customers service. Customer service is often forgotten about by our larger more well funded, “garter reported” competitors. Customer service isn’t cheap or easy and always evolving, but the interesting thing is if you treat people well you reduce your churn rate to almost zero. That 3 year customer becomes a lifetime customer. What is that worth? Expect the best.

Aaron Atkinson's past jobs
Company: Convergent Telecom
Title: biz dev
Period: Jan 2005 - Jan 2011 (6 years)
Aaron Atkinson's education
2001 - 2002
Aaron Atkinson's Colleagues
Matthew Reid
Account Executive
London, Ontario, Canada
Maggie Brown
London, Ontario, Canada
Mike Parker
Technical Specialist
London, Ontario, Canada
Eamon Shea
Account Executive
London, Ontario, Canada
Kerry Forbes
☎ Phone Specialist & Account Manager
London, Ontario, Canada
Aaron Atkinson has 9 colleagues in total at YOVU Office Phone. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Aaron Atkinson
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Albany, New York, United States
Aaron Atkinson
Financial Accountant
Aaron Atkinson
Asset Health Supervisor
London, England, United Kingdom
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Idalia, Queensland, Australia
There are 112 other "Aaron Atkinson". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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