Aaron Choi

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Email: ****
Location: Gosport, England, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Weight Loss Worldwide LTD
Current title:
Owner and CEO
Last updated: 13/10/2023 12:27 PM
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Aaron Choi is from Gosport, England, United Kingdom. Aaron is currently Owner and CEO at Weight Loss Worldwide LTD.

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Aaron Choi's current jobs
Company: Weight Loss Worldwide LTD
Title: Owner and CEO
Period: May 2019 - Present (5 years, 8 months)

Weight Loss Worldwide LTD is my online fitness company that supports clients in the most well rounded way possible by looking at all key areas of a persons life: exercise, diet, sleep, stress, hormones and mental well being. As we use a more well rounded approach compared to other competitors, this typically means that our clients consistently get great results. This approach has come through a decade of me personally learning my craft. In a lot of cases, suitable exercise prescription and dietary recommendations are still not enough to achieve optimal results. This is why we make sure that nothing else can negatively affect our clients progress. I personally offer a lot of accountability on top of managing these areas of a persons life. This includes regularly checking our clients habit trackers, diet logging and step counts, as well as checking in on them every few days and having one weekly zoom catch up meeting. In this weekly call, clients can go over any problems that they've been experiencing while getting the opportunity to ask about anything that they're stuck about. The combination of a well rounded weight loss approach on top of strong levels of accountability will give you the best chance possible of you losing the amount of weight that you'd like to. If you think this all sounds helpful and are interested in an initial chat, feel free to book in a call here and we'll see if we can help:

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