Aaron Eiger

Partner / Industrial Design
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LinkedIn: Aaron Eiger
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Current employer:
Design Integrity
Current title:
Principal / Partner / Industrial Design
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Aaron Eiger is from Greater Chicago Area. Aaron works in the following industries: "Mechanical Or Industrial Engineering", and "Design". Aaron is currently Principal / Partner / Industrial Design at Design Integrity, located in Greater Chicago Area. In Aaron's previous role as a Sr. Industrial Designer at laga, Aaron worked in until Jan 2000. Prior to joining laga, Aaron was a Industrial Designer at Herbst Lazar Bell, Inc. and held the position of Industrial Designer. Prior to that, Aaron was a Industrial Design Contractor at Brooks Stevens, Inc. from Jan 1994 to Jan 1995. Aaron started working as Contractor / Freelance at Wielgus Product Models, Inc. in Jan 1987.

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Aaron Eiger's current jobs
Company: Design Integrity
Title: Principal / Partner / Industrial Design
Period: Apr 2000 - Present (24 years, 11 months)
Location: Greater Chicago Area
Aaron Eiger's past jobs
Company: laga
Title: Sr. Industrial Designer
Period: Jan 1999 - Jan 2000 (1 year)
Company: Herbst Lazar Bell, Inc.
Title: Industrial Designer
Period: Jan 1995 - Jan 1998 (3 years)
Company: Brooks Stevens, Inc.
Title: Industrial Design Contractor
Period: Jan 1994 - Jan 1995 (1 year)
Company: Wielgus Product Models, Inc.
Title: Contractor / Freelance
Period: Jan 1987 - Jan 1987
Aaron Eiger's education
Evanston Township High School
1983 - 1987
Red House
1987 - 1992
Aaron Eiger's top skills
Rendering Industrial Design User-centered Design Finite Element Analysis Pro Engineer Rapid Prototyping Product Design Sketching Ergonomics Process Improvement Cross-functional Team Leadership Design for Manufacturing Concept Generation Manufacturing Solidworks Concept Development CAD Product Development Mechanical Engineering Design Strategy
Aaron Eiger's Colleagues
Philip Anthony
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Scott Rote
Partner / V.P. Engineering
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Quinton Ford
Project Engineer
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Thomas Bihler
Senior Design Engineer
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Nathan Wicker
Project Engineer
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Aaron Eiger has 35 colleagues in total at Design Integrity. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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