Aatif Baskanderi

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Email: ****f@northpinefoundation.ca
Location: Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Current employer:
The Northpine Foundation
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 30/05/2024 15:27 PM
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Aatif Baskanderi is from Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Aatif is currently Chief Executive Officer at The Northpine Foundation, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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Aatif Baskanderi's current jobs
Company: The Northpine Foundation
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

• The Northpine Foundation is a startup philanthropic organization with a growing team aimed to support communities that encounter economic and social limitations. We achieve this initiative by designing, funding, and partnering on initiatives that improve community flourishing. We combine best practices to invest in bold, new, and untried approaches. The Northpine Foundation’s resources and annual giving capacity rank it as one of Canada's top private foundations. The Northpine Foundation’s core value of kindness is exhibited through acting as a professional, innovative, reflective, aggressive, and impactful force of good. We aim to enable Canada’s most marginalized populations to thrive.

Aatif Baskanderi's Colleagues
Prageet Nibber
Energy Futures Lab Fellow
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Terri-Lynn Duque
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dustin Poole
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Victor del Valle
Research Fellow
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Chris Brown
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Aatif Baskanderi has 39 colleagues in total at Energy Futures Lab. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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