Aayush Bhandary

Procurement/Sourcing Specialist [Lighting & Electromechanical Products]
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Email: ****y@cromptonlamps.com
LinkedIn: Aayush Bhandary
Location: Ashford, England, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Crompton Lamps Ltd
Current title:
Procurment Director
Last updated: 12/10/2024 07:47 AM
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Aayush Bhandary is from Ashford, England, United Kingdom. Aayush works in the following industries: "Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing". Aayush is currently Procurment Director at Crompton Lamps Ltd, located in Bradford, England, United Kingdom. In Aayush's previous role as a Sourcing Director at Aurora Lightin, Aayush worked in Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom until Jul 2023. Prior to joining Aurora Lightin, Aayush was a Supply Chain Operations Manager at Gooee and held the position of Supply Chain Operations Manager at London, United Kingdom. Prior to that, Aayush was a Director Supply Chain Operations at Precision Lighting Ltd, based in London, United Kingdom from Mar 2015 to Sep 2017. Aayush started working as Director Supply Chain Operations at Remote Controlled Lightin in London, United Kingdom in Jul 2011.

Aayush Bhandary's email is available on Finalscout.com free of charge. This database has a wealth of information on over half a billion business professionals and two hundred million companies.

Aayush Bhandary's current jobs
Company: Crompton Lamps Ltd
Title: Procurment Director
Period: Sep 2023 - Present (1 year, 3 months)
Location: Bradford, England, United Kingdom
Aayush Bhandary's past jobs
Company: Aurora Lightin
Title: Sourcing Director
Period: Apr 2021 - Jul 2023 (2 years, 3 months)
Location: Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom
Company: Gooee
Title: Supply Chain Operations Manager
Period: Sep 2018 - Apr 2021 (2 years, 7 months)
Location: London, United Kingdom
Company: Precision Lighting Ltd
Title: Director Supply Chain Operations
Period: Mar 2015 - Sep 2017 (2 years, 6 months)
Location: London, United Kingdom
Company: Remote Controlled Lightin
Title: Director Supply Chain Operations
Period: Jul 2011 - Sep 2017 (6 years, 2 months)
Location: London, United Kingdom
Aayush Bhandary's education
Appalachian State University
Bachelor of Business Administration, Information Systems
2000 - 2002
Delhi University
Bachelor of Commerce, Commerce
1996 - 1999
Aayush Bhandary's top skills
Procurement Sourcing
Aayush Bhandary's Colleagues
Richard Curtis
Managing Director
Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom
Benoit Levieux
Managing Director Microlights
Martin Cox
Director Of Operations
Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom
Managing Director France
Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom
Andrew Price
Product Solutions Engineer
Welwyn Garden City, England, United Kingdom
Aayush Bhandary has 205 colleagues in total at Aurora Lighting. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Aayush Bhandary
Aayush Bhandary
Aayush Bhandary
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