Abdullah Arshad

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Location: Pakistan
Current employer: Dice Analytics
Current title:
Digital Marketing Executive
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:01 AM
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Abdullah Arshad is from Pakistan. Abdullah is currently Digital Marketing Executive at Dice Analytics, located in Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan. Abdullah also works as Assistant Vice President Marketing at Pakistan Agile Development Society, a job Abdullah has held since Apr 2021.

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Abdullah Arshad's current jobs
Company: Dice Analytics
Title: Digital Marketing Executive
Period: Feb 2022 - Present (2 years, 11 months)
Location: Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan

• Analyze the marketing campaigns with the help of analytics tools such as Google Analytics and making monthly reports. • Oversee a social media strategy and minimizing the campaigns budget. • Manage and maintain the organization’s website. • Creating and executing SMS and E-mail based marketing campaigns. • Planning and monitoring the ongoing company presence on social media. • Launching optimized online advertisements to increase company and brand awareness. • Building a monthly digital media content planner and schedule accordingly. • Collaborating with the team such as graphic designers for graphic content. • Identify new trends in digital marketing, evaluate new technologies and align company’s digital marketing strategy with it. • Track and analyze website traffic flow and provide regular internal reports. • Performing activities relating to Search Engine Optimization on a continuous basis. • Analyzing market research and plan promotions, competitions and other various creative marketing techniques based on the research results

Title: Assistant Vice President Marketing
Period: Apr 2021 - Present (3 years, 9 months)
Location: Basti Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan
Abdullah Arshad's Colleagues
Umer Chaudhry
Managing Director and Co-Founder
Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
Ali Raza Anjum
Trainer Data Science, Big Data (Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL), Datawarehouse, Business Intelligence
Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
Muhammad Fayyaz
Trainer - Big Data
Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
Ahmed Shoaib
Manager Business Development and Trainings
Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
Maaz Ahmad
Datawarehouse & BI Consultant |Trainee
Islamabad, Islāmābād, Pakistan
Abdullah Arshad has 79 colleagues in total at Dice Analytics. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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