Abe Gong

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Email: ****
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Current employer:
Great Expectations
Current title:
CEO and Co-Founder
Last updated: 17/10/2023 07:57 AM
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Abe Gong is from Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. Abe is currently CEO and Co-Founder at Great Expectations, located in Remote, Oregon, United States.

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Abe Gong's current jobs
Company: Great Expectations
Title: CEO and Co-Founder
Period: Jun 2017 - Present (7 years, 7 months)
Location: Remote, Oregon, United States

Superconductive is the company behind Great Expectations. Our mission is to revolutionize the speed and integrity of data collaboration. Great Expectations is the leading tool for data quality (including data testing, documentation, and profiling.) With over 2,000 members in our public Slack channel, we’re one of the fastest growing data communities in the world. Superconductive was originally founded as a consult-to-product healthcare data analytics company in 2017. We pivoted to become a non-domain-specific open source company when Great Expectations began to gain widespread momentum in mid-2019.

Abe Gong's Colleagues
Ben Castleton
Cofounder and Strategic Advisor @ Great Expectations
Remote, Oregon, United States
Nicole Radziwill, PhD
Advisory Board Member
Remote, Oregon, United States
Elliott Wakefield
Hospitality Consultant / Co-Founder
Katrina Masiak
Sr. Project Specialist, Office of the CTO
Remote, Oregon, United States
Hernan Alvarez
VP of Product
Remote, Oregon, United States
Abe Gong has 87 colleagues in total at Superconductive. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
Other people named Abe Gong
Abe Gong
Finance Manager
There are 1 other "Abe Gong". You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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