Abishek Bharadwaj

Co-Founder/Chief Technology Officer at Equatorial Power
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LinkedIn: Abishek Bharadwaj
Location: 乌干达
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:20 AM
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Abishek Bharadwaj is from 乌干达. Abishek works in the following industries: "可再生能源", "非营利组织管理", "管理咨询", and "信息技术和服务". In Abishek's previous role as a Chief Technology Officer at Equatorial Power, Abishek worked in Kampala, Uganda until Mar 2021. Prior to joining Equatorial Power, Abishek was a SME Advisor/Project Manager at Energy 4 Impact and held the position of SME Advisor/Project Manager at Nairobi, Kenya. Prior to that, Abishek was a Team Lead at cKinetics, based in New Delhi Area, India from Sep 2012 to Dec 2015. Abishek started working as Manager - Renewable Energy at Gram Vikas in Kalahandi, Orissa in Sep 2011. From Mar 2009 to Jul 2010, Abishek was Research Associate at Cerena Foundation. Prior to that, Abishek was a Software Engineering/Green Analyst at Infosys Technologies Ltd from Jun 2006 to Dec 2008.

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Abishek Bharadwaj's past jobs
Company: Equatorial Power
Title: Chief Technology Officer
Period: Mar 2019 - Mar 2021 (2 years)
Location: Kampala, Uganda
Company: Energy 4 Impact
Title: SME Advisor/Project Manager
Period: Jan 2016 - Mar 2019 (3 years, 2 months)
Location: Nairobi, Kenya

Project Manager for projects on mini-grids in East Africa. Working with 30+ developers over various technologies and various sizes from 10 kW to 10 MW. This role is within Advisory Services, a small, dynamic team providing consulting services to high-growth SMEs, social enterprises, and project developers in the Energy Access Space across East Africa. We assist clients to write and refine business plans, investor pitches, and grant applications. We manage, and in some cases conduct, project feasibility and development work for electrification projects primarily in the hydro and solar mini-grids sector. We support businesses to prepare for investor or lender due diligence, to develop their own financing strategy and build financial projects, and to identify and engage with appropriate investors, grant-makers, banks, and other financial intermediaries (e.g. insurers, currency hedge providers, etc.). We also facilitate partnerships with other companies and partners, support strategic planning and market expansion processes, and help companies develop their approaches to in particular related to marketing and distribution, consumer financing, and supply chain management.

Company: cKinetics
Title: Team Lead
Period: Sep 2012 - Dec 2015 (3 years, 3 months)
Location: New Delhi Area, India

Project lead for a Decentralized Renewable Energy (DRE) based rural electrification program, SPRD (erstwhile SPEED) with a focus on catalyzing social and economic development through mini-grids Techno-economic analysis in the area of renewable energy projects and energy efficiency. Project Management. • Leading the team in project development for rural electrification • Leading the team in performing technical, environmental and safety assessments to determine the village suitability, resource considerations and T&D implications • Strategizing various business models for a mini-grid interventions with support in tariff determination and operations • Handholding Energy Services Companies (ESCOs) engaged in the program to determine their Business and operational model • Engaging industry experts, vendors, government to develop insights and guide team members • Conceptualizing and designing tools for demand analysis, technology dissemination, load scheduling and optimization, community assessment, site attractiveness for DRE mini-grid interventions • Quantifying the economic and social returns for a decentralized energy production and consumption system Seperately also helped in the roll out of resource management programs across more than 2 factories, provided technical expertise on energy systems and resource monitoring systems across India and helped in standardizing the program methodology for wider scale deployment. cKinetics (www.cKinetics.com) is a venture accelerator: providing operational consulting and strategic services for shaping scalable sustainability solutions and low carbon growth practices within industry and communities.

Company: Gram Vikas
Title: Manager - Renewable Energy
Period: Sep 2011 - Aug 2012 (11 months)
Location: Kalahandi, Orissa

As a manager, I implemented a 15 kW micro-hydro project in a 120 household village called Punjam in Kalahandi. I also helped in the technical analysis of a solar electrification project.

Company: Cerena Foundation
Title: Research Associate
Period: Mar 2009 - Jul 2010 (1 year, 4 months)

• Formulated an energy calculator which accounts for capital and revenue emissions for the urban and rural sector. Project currently being adopted by the Dept of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Also prioritized options for clean energy to reducing emissions with green technologies. • Defined an eco-centric model for accessing the energy flows in a river system to sustain its various, biological, physical and chemical processes. Methodology used is reverse ecological footprint.

Title: Software Engineering/Green Analyst
Period: Jun 2006 - Dec 2008 (2 years, 6 months)

• Developed energy efficiency solutions for Infosys Campus as a part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Work involving the renewable energy installation and HVAC. • Software developer in core mainframes technology like COBOL, DB2, JCL. • Developed a software module, Data Exchange (DEX) and became a DEX process expert.

Abishek Bharadwaj's education
Masters of Science
2010 - 2011
Abishek Bharadwaj's top skills
Project Management Scrum Energy Efficiency Requirements Analysis Renewable Energy Energy Projects Sustainability CAD C Business Strategy PHP Project Planning Solar Energy
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