Adam J Shayevitz MBA

Supply Chain and Strategic Sourcing Consultant, A Force Multiplier For Engineering Teams. Optimizing Manufacturing Sources, Accelerating Time to Market, Lowering Costs, and Improving Quality.
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Location: Greater Boston
Current employer:
Strategic Sourcing Dynamics, LLC
Current title:
President and Strategic Sourcing Consultant
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:43 AM
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Adam J Shayevitz MBA is from Greater Boston. Adam is currently President and Strategic Sourcing Consultant at Strategic Sourcing Dynamics, LLC, located in Reading, Massachusetts, United States.

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Adam J Shayevitz MBA's current jobs
Company: Strategic Sourcing Dynamics, LLC
Title: President and Strategic Sourcing Consultant
Period: Jun 2012 - Present (12 years, 7 months)
Location: Reading, Massachusetts, United States

Strategic Sourcing Dynamics, LLC. applies an approach to sourcing which integrates the business needs of the client, its markets, customers, and suppliers. We work with a wide range of companies and industries setting up supply chains. Our sourcing expertise covers mechanical, electromechanical, and electronics parts and assemblies. We focus on early phase DFMA partnering with suppliers. Many manufacturers in our network have a strong US presence in addition to manufacturing sites in multiple countries. This assures real-time technical support, IP protection, and global manufacturing capability. The supply chains built for clients become extensions of their engineering and R&D efforts. Consulting Services: -Strategic sourcing strategy. -Contract and price negotiation. -Supplier qualification and selection. -Supply base evaluation and capability alignment. -Facilitate new manufacturing partner relationships. -Lead cross-functional teams in sourcing categories. -Design for manufacturing and assembly supplier partnering. -Leverage suppliers’ core competencies to create competitive advantage. -Ensure sourcing constraints & opportunities are understood throughout the design cycle.

Adam J Shayevitz MBA's education
Babson College - Franklin W. Olin Graduate School of Business
1989 - 1991
Skidmore College
1981 - 1984
Williston Northampton School
High School
1976 - 1980
Boston University
Certificate in Sales Managment
1994 - 1996
National Taiwan Normal University
1 Semester Mandarin Training Center
1984 - 1984
Harvard University
Summer Semester
1983 - 1983
Institute of Shipboard Education, Semester at Seas (SAS)
1 Semester Study Abroad
1983 - 1983
Skidmore College
Bachelor's degree
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