Adrian Braun

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Email: ****n@arctic-values.com
Location: Rovaniemi, Lappi, Finland
Current employer:
Arctic Values
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Adrian Braun is from Rovaniemi, Lappi, Finland. Adrian is currently Founder at Arctic Values, located in Rovaniemi, Lappi, Finland.

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Adrian Braun's current jobs
Company: Arctic Values
Title: Founder
Period: Mar 2018 - Present (6 years, 10 months)
Location: Rovaniemi, Lappi, Finland

Arctic Values is a consulting and teaching business, pursuing to assist partners to strive for sustainable development - Sustainability reporting, corporate social responsibility strategy building and implementation - Bridging sustainable development, marketing and communication - Utilising green financial instruments to realize socially and ecologically responsible projects - Implementation of environmental management systems (ISO 14001/EMAS) - Teaching and trainings of sustainable development practices For further information, please visit: www.arctic-values.com

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