Agil Jabbarli

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan
Current title:
Corporate QHSE & Compliance Manager
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:16 AM
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Agil Jabbarli is from Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan. Agil is currently Corporate QHSE & Compliance Manager at DIALOG FREIGHT LIMITED, located in Laurencekirk, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Agil Jabbarli can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Agil Jabbarli's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Agil Jabbarli's current jobs
Title: Corporate QHSE & Compliance Manager
Period: Oct 2019 - Present (5 years, 3 months)
Location: Laurencekirk, Scotland, United Kingdom

Main responsibilities: Health & Safety - Full responsibility for all HSE related activity for implementation to ISO45001; - Target areas for HSE improvement through the analysis of current performance, and the implementation of continuous improvement methods; - Monitor for updates to H & S legislation via HSE regulatory and accreditation bodies; - Write and update H & S procedures; - Chair Safety Committee; - Manage all risk assessments, including third party vendor/supplier/contractors/sub-contractors; - Personally investigate serious accidents; - Ensure Business Continuity and Incident Management plans are in place (& tested) Quality - Audit, monitor and review the implementation of QA policies, working practices, procedures and standards for all operations; - Nominated Quality Management representative for ISO9001; - Provide and advise on appropriate training as required; - Co-ordinate vendor/supplier/contractors/sub-contractor audits; - Drive close out of issues and non-conformance; - Support management in ensuring compliance throughout all the business units and responsibility for compliance and issue resolution relating to QA systems; - Monitor completion of corrective/preventative actions; - Conduct major quality investigations; Environment - Monitor for updates to legislation; - Review, and approve updates to 'aspects and impacts'; - Nominated Environmental Management representative for ISO14001; - Review and propose updates to Environment and Energy policies; - Manage internal environmental audit programme; - Assist with third party audits; - Monitor and review all environmental events ensuring all incidents and near misses are correctly reported, categorised and processed and prior to incident close-out, ensure root causes for environmental events have been determined and any remedial actions closed out.

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