Aisha Shehu

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Last updated: 26/05/2023 03:41 AM
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Aisha Shehu is from Greater Paris Metropolitan Region. Aisha is currently CEO/Founder at BABAYO.

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Aisha Shehu's current jobs
Company: BABAYO
Title: CEO/Founder
Period: Jan 2018 - Present (6 years, 11 months)

Established a profitable business from Ideation, the brand identity, mission ,vision, values ,company’s business model, market analysis, the products/services , operational plan, the marketing and sales strategy, and a detailed financial plan. Led design and development of brand DNA for retail business Developed and implemented operational policies and strategic business framework to improve company operations Responsible for creating and managing, overseeing the production process of a product/ collections from inception to the end user Projected earnings, balanced budgets, and maintained a profitable business for all 5+ years of operation Team lead of multidisciplinary professionals & collaborate with internal and external stakeholders Lead and conducted in depth analysis of business performance versus business goals. Executed monthly employee performance evaluations that improved customer experience by 30% Developed talented and motivated staff members, including design, product development, and technical teams. Tripled retail sales over three years by increasing partnerships and collaboration with vendors and production to achieve high margins. Improve the overall performance of the Brand by assessing billing, workflow, and customer relationship management and productivity. Participate and consulted in ideation stage, product development planning, product evolution, pricing and promotion while providing key insights based on predictive modelling

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GDI Focal Point
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