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Akanksha Verma
Admin at Encore Modular Furniture Pvt Ltd
Current employer:
Encore Modular Furniture Pvt Ltd
Current title:
Business Development Executive
Last updated:
22/05/2023 00:31 AM
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Akanksha Verma is from Hyderabad Telangana India. Akanksha is currently Business Development Executive at Encore Modular Furniture Pvt Ltd.
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Akanksha Verma's current jobs
Encore Modular Furniture Pvt Ltd
Business Development Executive
Akanksha Verma's education
Krishna Public School - India
Master of Business Administration - MBA
Nims university
Master of Business Administration - MBA
nims university
Master of Business Administration - MBA
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Akanksha Verma
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Danville, California, United States
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