Al Kuo

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Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:05 AM
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Al Kuo is from Taiwan. Al is currently Founder at ATI CO., LTD. .

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Al Kuo's current jobs
Company: ATI CO., LTD.
Title: Founder
Period: Sep 2006 - Present (18 years, 4 months)

ATI CO., LTD. is a manufacturer, designer as well as inventor of smart mobile devices accessories, particularly for cycling (inclusive of eBike and Bike Sharing Operators), outdoors and water sports. Ride For More aims precisely to the need of carrying smartphone in outdoor sports. ATI self-owns production facility located in the middle of Taiwan producing soft goods (specialized in smartphone accessories packs, cases, holders...and etc) as well as casing products for outdoors, cycling and water sports. For hard goods lines, ATI also serves as a power sourcer and product developer supporting its key OEM/ODM accounts from consumer electronic store-chain, sporting goods wholesaler, bike shop chains...and etc, bring an idea to a retail-ready product. ATI has in-depth partnership with quality manufacturing suppliers in Greater China to set up the refined products range made of demanding craftsmanship. The professional sourcing services range from conceptual designs, product development, sourcing, packaging designs and logistic planning to the very last mile.

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