Aladin El Assal

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Email: ****l@yahoo.com
LinkedIn: Aladin El Assal
Location: Egypt
Current employer:
Fazzini SRL - Italy
Current title:
Director - emerging markets
Last updated: 12/04/2024 08:42 AM
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Aladin El Assal is from Egypt. Aladin El works in the following industries: "Hospital & Health Care". Aladin El is currently Director - emerging markets at Fazzini SRL - Italy, located in Cairo - Egypt. In Aladin El's previous role as a Deputy General Manager at Megamed, Aladin El worked in Cairo - Egypt until Jul 2011. Prior to joining Megamed, Aladin El was a Director at Pharmatrade and held the position of Director. Prior to that, Aladin El was a Deputy General Manager at Megamed from Jan 2000 to Jan 2003.

You can find Aladin El Assal's email at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.

Aladin El Assal's current jobs
Company: Fazzini SRL - Italy
Title: Director - emerging markets
Period: Jul 2011 - Present (12 years, 9 months)
Location: Cairo - Egypt
Aladin El Assal's past jobs
Company: Megamed
Title: Deputy General Manager
Period: Feb 2004 - Jul 2011 (7 years, 5 months)
Location: Cairo - Egypt
Company: Pharmatrade
Title: Director
Period: Jan 2003 - Jan 2004 (1 year)
Company: Megamed
Title: Deputy General Manager
Period: Jan 2000 - Jan 2003 (3 years)
Aladin El Assal's education
Alexandria faculty of Medicine
1977 - 1983
Member of The American Heart Association
Aladin El Assal's top skills
Healthcare Hospitals
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