Alastair Brown

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Email: ****n@shardcreditpartners.com
Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer:
Shard Credit Partners Limited
Current title:
CEO, Head of Direct Lending
Last updated: 12/09/2023 10:04 AM
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Alastair Brown is from London, England, United Kingdom. Alastair is currently CEO, Head of Direct Lending at Shard Credit Partners Limited, located in Aldgate, England, United Kingdom.

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Alastair Brown's current jobs
Company: Shard Credit Partners Limited
Title: CEO, Head of Direct Lending
Period: Aug 2013 - Present (11 years, 5 months)
Location: Aldgate, England, United Kingdom

Shard Credit Partners is an alternative investment fund manager focused on private credit strategies in the UK lower mid-market. Its funds seek to generate superior risk-adjusted returns from conservatively structured senior secured credit investments at low leverage, benefiting from robust documentation and a full suite of financial and non-financial covenants. Shard Credit Partners is currently investing from its debut direct lending fund Shard Credit Partners Fund I, which held a first close in October 2017 at £90 million. Shard Credit Partners plans to hold a first close on its second UK lower mid-market direct lending fund during the first half of 2021. Shard Credit Partners invests in solid small to medium sized businesses with strong management teams, supporting them by providing transformative growth capital and event driven financing in support of innovation, growth and expansion. The fund invests in businesses across all sectors and throughout the UK. The firm has a strong ESG focus; in particular, it is a strong supporter of female entrepreneurs and firms with meaningful female leadership and senior management. Recent investments include the innovative double MBO of BW Legal and PRAC Financial in Leeds, which was named by Insider Media as their Deal of the Month for February 2019. In the same month the fund also backed the primary MBO of GadCap Technical Solutions Ltd in Newcastle. In September 2019, Shard Credit Partners completed the MBO of Alexander Technologies Europe Limited in Peterlee, County Durham named by Insider Media to the short list for North East Private Equity/Venture Capital Deal of the Year 2020. In March 2020, Shard Credit Partners backed the MBO of Jackson Lees Group in Merseyside by its senior management team. In December 2020, Shard Credit Partners completed the MBI of Scottish port services company JST Services (Scotland) Limited, its first investment in Scotland.

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