Alberto Cappio

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Location: Turin, Piedmont, Italy
Current employer: Ethics & Compliance Forum
Current title:
Associate Founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Alberto Cappio is from Turin, Piedmont, Italy. Alberto is currently Associate Founder at Ethics & Compliance Forum, located in San Mauro Torinese, Piedmont, Italy.

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Alberto Cappio's current jobs
Title: Associate Founder
Period: Sep 2016 - Present (8 years, 4 months)
Location: San Mauro Torinese, Piedmont, Italy

Co-Founder and Manager at E&C Forum, an international learning & networking initiative focusing on Business Ethics convergence across key functions (GRC, Ethics, HR, CSR, CFO, Marketing, Communication, Audit, DPO and Legal). Over the years the events built a global network of leading experts and business peers to share best practices and get the latest updates on industry trends, addressing issues that impact corporate integrity and reputation.

Alberto Cappio's Colleagues
Guido Cappio
Board Chair
San Mauro Torinese, Piedmont, Italy
Marco Carena
San Mauro Torinese, Piedmont, Italy
Laura Poccafassi
Logistics Management
San Mauro Torinese, Piedmont, Italy
Alberto Cappio has 3 colleagues in total at Ethics & Compliance Forum. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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