Alejandra Pavisich

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Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
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Content Writer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:23 AM
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Alejandra Pavisich is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Alejandra is currently Content Writer at DOBAR DAN SANTA CRUZ, located in Chantilly, Virginia, United States. Alejandra also works as Twitter writer at DOBAR DAN SANTA CRUZ, a job Alejandra has held since Jun 2015. Another title Alejandra currently holds is Social Media Manager at DOBAR DAN SANTA CRUZ.

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Alejandra Pavisich's current jobs
Title: Content Writer
Period: Sep 2015 - Present (9 years, 4 months)
Location: Chantilly, Virginia, United States

• Blogger of DOBAR DAN SANTA CRUZ, a blog created to disseminate articles on the cultural, language, music, historical, and sports activities, of the Croatian community around the world. • All time views total 39,632 and all time visitors totaling 25,500 (up to October 2018). • 78 articles written. The blog has articles in English and Spanish and is read by a diverse audience around the world in the 6 continents of North America, South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia.

Title: Twitter writer
Period: Jun 2015 - Present (9 years, 7 months)
Location: Chantilly, Virginia, United States

• Twitter writer @DobarDanSCZ. The tweets are generated from the Word Press blog of DOBAR DAN SANTA CRUZ and are automatically updated to link to the blog posts.

Title: Social Media Manager
Period: Jul 2012 - Present (12 years, 6 months)
Location: Chantilly, Virginia, United States

• Created the # 1 Spanish language Facebook page about Croatia and its diaspora in Latin America to engage the disconnected community across Latin America’s 12 nations, and 600,000 Croatian descendants. • Measured audience engagement and feedback based on Facebook analytics and online survey, and tailored content growing the audience from 200 to over10,300 likes across the world. • Increased page likes through Facebook Ads in a 4 year period from 200 to over 10,300+ likes reaching a very geographically and age diverse population ages 13 to 65+ in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa and Australia, having 25% of my readers located in India and Indonesia who are interested in reading about Croatia. • Weekly WhatsApp postings to over 400 individuals in the Croatian community. • E-mail marketing outreach through the dobardansantacruz@gmail.com e-mail account that reaches about 300 community leaders across the United States, Croatia and Latin America. • Surveyed over 150 people in Bolivia took an online survey/census on Survey Monkey containing specific questions about possible projects and activities • Customized and prioritized online posts and articles based on online survey responses and weekly monitoring of analytics from the Facebook page and Word Press blog. • Facebook page has achieved over 18,000 hits a week from all over South America, United States, Croatia, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia. • Constant analysis of Facebook analytics tools to adjust posts based on audience engagement, views, geographic location and age groups. • Continuous advertising Facebook ads to increase number of fans based on location, gender, age group and interests. • Wide use of visually appealing photographs and graphics to convey critical information. • Contributions, crosspostings and connections with HRT (Croatian Radio Television) Croatia, as well as Croatian groups in the United States, 12 countries in Latin America, Europe and Croatia.

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