Alex Fernandez Garita

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: San José, San Jose, Costa Rica
Current employer: Johnson & Johnson
Current title:
Corporate Social Responsibility Employee Engagement Regional Leader (Latin America)
Last updated: 17/08/2023 11:39 AM
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Alex Fernandez Garita is from San José, San Jose, Costa Rica. Alex Fernandez is currently Corporate Social Responsibility Employee Engagement Regional Leader (Latin America) at Johnson & Johnson, located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States.

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Alex Fernandez Garita's current jobs
Title: Corporate Social Responsibility Employee Engagement Regional Leader (Latin America)
Period: Jul 2017 - Present (7 years, 6 months)
Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey, United States

•-Led the CSR Employee Engagement Strategy deployment in the LATAM region through a budget of $800,000 annually, focusing on partnerships for social impact. -Signed multiple projects with banks, corporations, social organizations, and donors: IADB-U.S.Embassy Costa Rica- Junior Achievement LATAM- Smithsonian Education Office, Panama First Lady Office. -Led the creation of the a partnership strategy for Latin America, identifying main partners and grow pipeline opportunities. -Development of public and private partnerships in the region. -Led negotiations and relations with Government institutions e.g., Latin America Ministers of Education- Panama First Lady Office and others. • Led the deployment of the program Women in STEM in LATAM 9 countries, reaching more than 20k girls since 2017. • Leading the portfolio of J&J volunteerism programs for Latin America • Fostering private company partnerships in pro of social impact. -Leading talent development volunteerism programs for Latin America. -Led the strategic communications agenda for GCI employee engagement at the global level. -Led the regional partnership with more than 400 health institutions in Latin America.

Alex Fernandez Garita's Colleagues
Duccio Manetti, PhD
Global Mentor & Coach
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Letitia Zwickert
Founder and CEO
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Pragati Sureka
Global Mentor
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Irene Lucini Serrano de Haro
Volunteer Program Coordinator
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Muhammad El-Naggar
Global mentoor
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Alex Fernandez Garita has 8 colleagues in total at MENTEE. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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