Alexander A

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Email: ****o@databloom.ai
Location: Mellieha, Malta
Current employer:
Current title:
CEO & co-founder
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Alexander A is from Mellieha, Malta. Alexander is currently CEO & co-founder at Databloom, located in Berlin, Berlin, Germany. In Alexander's previous role as a Chief Technology Officer at Infinite Devices, Alexander worked in until Sep 2021. Prior to joining Infinite Devices, Alexander was a Chief Digital Technology Architect, COO Office at E.ON and held the position of Chief Digital Technology Architect, COO Office.

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Alexander A's current jobs
Company: Databloom
Title: CEO & co-founder
Period: Nov 2019 - Present (5 years, 2 months)
Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Databloom’s Federated AI Platform “Blossom" is a middleware data platform sitting between existing (and future) platforms, technologies and users, combining multiple data lakes and lake houses into one united AI and Analytics platform; for the first time in the history of BigData our Federated AI Platform "Blossom" truly breaks silos. // HOW DOES IT WORK? We unite multiple Data Lake Houses and Data Lakes into one analytics and artificial intelligence platform. We enable Federated Data Lakehouse Analytics and Model Training across multiple data lakes and warehouses, independently of their origin. Databloom's Blossom is a viable approach not just for large data crunching companies, but for everybody who sits on large data silos in different locations, even different data privacy legislations. // WHY DATABLOOM? We at databloom.ai are the core team around Apache Wayang (wayang.apache.org), a federated analytics platform. We guarantee faster job processing. 5 years R&D, growing community, Patent pending // CONTACT - next steps https://databloom.ai or hello@databloom.ai

Alexander A's past jobs
Company: Infinite Devices
Title: Chief Technology Officer
Period: May 2018 - Sep 2021 (3 years, 4 months)
Company: E.ON
Title: Chief Digital Technology Architect, COO Office
Period: Jan 2017 - Sep 2019 (2 years, 8 months)
Alexander A's Colleagues
Ekrem Namazci
Advisory Board Member
Miami, Florida, United States
Jessica L.
Miami, Florida, United States
Vatsal Shah
Chief Growth Officer
Miami, Florida, United States
Jorge Arnulfo Quiané Ruiz
Co-Founder & CTO
Miami, Florida, United States
Gyenam Lyu
Korea Country Manager
Miami, Florida, United States
Alexander A has 9 colleagues in total at Databloom. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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