Alexander Kostolany

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Email: ****y@radicant.com
Location: Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Current employer: radicant
Current title:
Head of Portfolio Management
Last updated: 22/01/2024 14:07 PM
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Alexander Kostolany is from Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. Alexander is currently Head of Portfolio Management at radicant, located in Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

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Alexander Kostolany's current jobs
Company: radicant
Title: Head of Portfolio Management
Period: Jan 2021 - Present (4 years)
Location: Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Structuring, conception, launch and management of SFDR Article 9 Equity Funds (Global Equity ISIN LI1212200672 & Swiss Equity LI1212200698) and 8 Thematic Investment Solutions: radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Quality Education ISIN: CH1139780071 Valor: 113978007 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Climate Stability ISIN: CH1139780097 Valor: 113978009 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Gender Equality ISIN: CH1139780139 Valor: 113978013 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Basic Needs ISIN: CH1139780089 Valor: 113978008 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Societal Progress ISIN: CH1139780147 Valor: 113978014 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Clean Water and Sanitation ISIN: CH1139780121 Valor: 113978012 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Good Health and Well-Being ISIN: CH1139780063 Valor: 113978006 radicant SDG Impact Solutions - Healthy Ecosystems ISIN: CH1139780113 Valor: 113978011 Development and launch of various financial product offerings (e.g Fully Digital Discretionary Multi-Asset Mandate)

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