Alexander Mikhalev

Chief Executive Officer JSC "Urals Pipe Works"​, Ph.D. in Technology, MBA
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LinkedIn: Alexander Mikhalev
Location: Sverdlovsk, Russia
Current title:
Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Alexander Mikhalev is from Sverdlovsk, Russia. Alexander works in the following industries: "Mechanical or Industrial Engineering". Alexander is currently Chief Executive Officer at Uraltrubprom JSC "Urals Pipe Works"​, located in Pervouralsk. In Alexander's previous role as a Старший преподаватель at Российский Государственный Профессионально-Педагогический Университет, Alexander worked in Екатеринбург, Россия until May 2019.

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Alexander Mikhalev's current jobs
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Aug 2004 - Present (20 years, 4 months)
Location: Pervouralsk

Operational management of the plant. Operational control of the timing of the implementation of production plans, as well as the timing, quantity and quality of products. Implementation of projects to optimize technical and production processes. General management of production activities of all production sites. Development and implementation of production plans, rhythmic production of high quality products, efficient use of fixed and circulating assets. Coordination of units, ensuring the monitoring of the technical condition and timely maintenance of production equipment. Conducting an analysis of production efficiency and reporting performance. Development of measures aimed at improving production efficiency, including labor productivity and cost reduction. Staff ~3500.

Alexander Mikhalev's past jobs
Company: Российский Государственный Профессионально-Педагогический Университет
Title: Старший преподаватель
Period: Sep 2000 - May 2019 (18 years, 8 months)
Location: Екатеринбург, Россия
Alexander Mikhalev's education
Уральский Государственный Технический Университет
Candidate of Technical Sciences
2008 - 2019
Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте РФ (РАНХиГС)
Master of Business Administration - MBA
2006 - 2009
Российский Государственный Профессионально-Педагогический Университет
Doctoral student
2000 - 2003
Российский Государственный Профессионально-Педагогический Университет
Master's degree
1995 - 2003
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