Alexander Passow

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Location: London, England, United Kingdom
Current employer: JP Omega Ltd
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:43 AM
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Alexander Passow is from London, England, United Kingdom. Alexander is currently Founder at JP Omega Ltd, located in Islington, England, United Kingdom. In Alexander's previous role as a Senior Research Manager at Gottex Fund Management, Alexander worked in until Jul 2005.

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Alexander Passow's current jobs
Company: JP Omega Ltd
Title: Founder
Period: Nov 2014 - Present (10 years, 2 months)
Location: Islington, England, United Kingdom

Setting up company to make proprietary Johnson Omega and option formulas accessible to the financial and data science industry. Finance: Identification of (ready-to-apply and easily implementable) significant Jensen Alpha and excess return generating strategies within (highly liquid) traditional and alternative asset classes. Development of portfolio analytic tools for risk management, in particular to identify hidden 'time-bombs' in portfolios. HNWI family office management based on proprietary Johnson-Omega methodology and private investment in own strategy (ultimately securitization of strategies). Data Science/Medical: Knowledge Transfer of advanced mathematical methods from Finance to Medical Applications and vice versa. Medical consulting, where methods from financial mathematics become applied in Cardiology (combining 'old school' closed form solutions of proprietary measures with AI). High sensitivity of proprietary Johnson distribution based measures exploited to support the detection of Ischemia. Proprietary mathematical toolbox developed to analyse financial returns is applied to heart beats.

Alexander Passow's past jobs
Company: Gottex Fund Management
Title: Senior Research Manager
Period: Jul 2001 - Jul 2005 (4 years)
Other people named Alexander Passow
Alexander Passow
Sales Consultant
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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