Alexandra Julian
Alexandra Julian is from 英国 英格兰 West Sussex. Alexandra works in the following industries: "互联网", and "化妆品". Alexandra is currently PPC & SEO Co-ordinator at Green People Ltd, located in West Grinstead. In Alexandra's previous role as a SEO Engineer at Fresh Egg Digital Marketing Agency, Alexandra worked in until Nov 2011. Prior to joining Fresh Egg Digital Marketing Agency, Alexandra was a Internet Marketing Assistant at Green People Ltd and held the position of Internet Marketing Assistant. Prior to that, Alexandra was a Lead Copywriter at Fuseo from Jan 2005 to Jan 2007.
You can find Alexandra Julian's email at FinalScout is a professional database with business professional profiles and company profiles.
Alexandra Julian's current jobs
In this role I undertake all aspects of search engine optimisation, including optimising on-site content, technical SEO, international SEO and off-site elements. I am closely involved with the PPC accounts, both UK and international, and work closely with our PPC agency to ensure we are maximising our ad spend.
Alexandra Julian's past jobs
- Reviewing sites in terms of their on-site optimisation and link profile - Meeting with clients - Conducting SEO maintenance - copy, link building - Working on projects to propose and implement significant changes - Keyword research and analysis
This role entails managing all aspects of on-site marketing, maintenance, content and offers, along with off-site marketing through affiliate and datafeed channels.