Alexandra O Dea

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Email: ****
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Current employer:
Lighthouse Infrastructure
Current title:
Investment Director
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Alexandra O Dea is from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Alexandra is currently Investment Director at Lighthouse Infrastructure, located in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. In Alexandra's previous role as a Trustee Director at Towers Watson (Australia) Superannuation Fund, Alexandra worked in until Jan 2019.

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Alexandra O Dea's current jobs
Company: Lighthouse Infrastructure
Title: Investment Director
Period: Apr 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Lighthouse Infrastructure is an independent, sustainable infrastructure fund manager, that combines innovation and experience to deliver high quality investment outcomes to institutional investors. Lighthouse Infrastructure specialises in the unlisted renewable energy and social infrastructure sectors. Our focus is on finding investments that deliver competitive, sustainable returns alongside positive social and/or environmental outcomes. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals help guide our investment selection process, which is overseen by our team of highly experienced infrastructure specialists. Working as part of the Investment team at Lighthouse Infrastructure, my primary areas of focus include portfolio construction and management, investment strategy work and product development. I am also responsible for engaging with our clients and the broader investor community, in addition to external communications.

Alexandra O Dea's past jobs
Company: Towers Watson (Australia) Superannuation Fund
Title: Trustee Director
Period: Jun 2017 - Jan 2019 (1 year, 7 months)
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Retail Assistant
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