Alexandra Stiegler

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Küsnacht, Zurich, Switzerland
Current employer:
SPRIT communication GmbH
Current title:
Agency Owner - Communication, PR, Social Media & Virtual Business Event-LeadGen in Switzerland/DACH
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:32 AM
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Alexandra Stiegler is from Küsnacht, Zurich, Switzerland. Alexandra is currently Agency Owner - Communication, PR, Social Media & Virtual Business Event-LeadGen in Switzerland/DACH at SPRIT communication GmbH.

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Alexandra Stiegler's current jobs
Company: SPRIT communication GmbH
Title: Agency Owner - Communication, PR, Social Media & Virtual Business Event-LeadGen in Switzerland/DACH
Period: Oct 2001 - Present (23 years, 3 months)

Helping and consulting companies to optimize awareness and LeadGen to support Sales with CORPORATE COMMUNICATION, Digital PR, Social Media, Brandig and virtual Events and Webinars. Content is King: we write your reference stories, special articles & interviews, newsletters, blogs, telling exciting stories. Communication Strategy, Branding, Linkedin optimization and campaigns, LeadGen, SEO, Analytics, Video communication/image videos, virtual Eventmanagement (online events and webinars) and Digital Media Planning. We consult companies like ServiceNow, Software AG, ROOMZ, NextEvent, CCR, conextrade/Swisscom, IDS Scheer, NOKIA Enterprise, AMAG/VW etc. that are in the field of technology, like Cloud Enterprise Software, Cloud Computing, SecOps, IoT, IT-Architecture, API, Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI), Datacenter Operations, Car-IT, smart home technologies, Call Center technologies, telemedicine, telebanking, PR for construction&real estate, interior design and lifestyle/luxury. Digital innovation and transformation.

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