Alexey Kalabkov

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Email: ****@****.***
Location: Kazakhstan
Current employer: KazStroyService
Current title:
Deputy Director Department of Information Technology
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:53 AM
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Alexey Kalabkov is from Kazakhstan. Alexey is currently Deputy Director Department of Information Technology at KazStroyService, located in Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

You can find Alexey Kalabkov's email on finalScout.com. FinalScout is a popular professional database with more than 500 million business professionals and over 200 million company profiles.

Alexey Kalabkov's current jobs
Company: KazStroyService
Title: Deputy Director Department of Information Technology
Period: Jun 2010 - Present (14 years, 7 months)
Location: Almaty, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Management of the department Head Office (800 workstations), two-unit "System Administration" - 4 people. and "Technical Support" - 4 people. The Company's branches (300 workstations) Technical Support Specialist - 10. Definition of tasks of information systems implementation, development trends and applications of information systems. Strategic Planning and Development Department and its constituent units A plan and a report on the work of the department Control of operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure Preparation and monitoring of budget execution in the context of the cost of IT; Control work of employees of the department; Leadership in setting up and maintenance of information systems; Control Technical Support Service Organization contract work with suppliers, service providers, etc.; Development of instructions, technical requirements, technical specifications; Development and implementation of regulations, rules, orders; Information security. Monitoring systems and business processes of the company, improving performance. Support and implementation of products and systems that improve the company's processes.

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