Ali Kemal Soybelli

Board of Member at HASEL IST
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Location: 土耳其
Current employer: Hasel Istif Makinaları A.S.
Current title:
Board Member
Last updated: 04/07/2023 08:50 AM
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Ali Kemal Soybelli is from 土耳其. Ali Kemal works in the following industries: "Machinery". Ali Kemal is currently Board Member at Hasel Istif Makinaları A.S.. In Ali Kemal's previous role as a service manager at HASEL, Ali Kemal worked in until Jan 2014.

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Ali Kemal Soybelli's current jobs
Title: Board Member
Period: Sep 2005 - Present (19 years, 6 months)
Ali Kemal Soybelli's past jobs
Company: HASEL
Title: service manager
Period: Jan 2004 - Jan 2014 (10 years)
Ali Kemal Soybelli's education
The University of Manchester
2001 - 2005
1994 - 2010
Ali Kemal Soybelli's top skills
New Business Development Business Planning Negotiation Engineering Business Strategy Project Management Manufacturing Product Development Team Building Start-ups Sales Management Strategic Planning Key Account Management Business Development Marketing Strategy Change Management
Ali Kemal Soybelli's Colleagues
Fatih Meriç
Regional Aftersales Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Murat Sazil
Technical Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
murat kır
Genel Müdür
Buhan Okan Acar
General Manager
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Muharrem Altınay
Yedek Parça Satış Sorumlusu
Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Ali Kemal Soybelli has 246 colleagues in total at Hasel Istif Makinaları A.S.. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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