Alissa Guthrie
Alissa Guthrie is from Bend, Oregon, United States. Alissa works in the following industries: "Education Management", "Primary/Secondary Education", and "Entertainment". Alissa is currently Owner at Bouncing Off The Wall, Inc.. In Alissa's previous role as a Elementary Teacher at Hillsboro School District, Alissa worked in until Jun 2002. Prior to joining Hillsboro School District, Alissa was a Elementary Teacher at Beaverton School District and held the position of Elementary Teacher.
Alissa Guthrie can be found on, where members can access Alissa Guthrie's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.
Alissa Guthrie's current jobs
Bouncing Off the Wall is Bend Oregon's first and only indoor, inflatable, family fun and party center. We have an 11,000sf facility home to over 15 gigantic, interactive inflatables. Come for an hour or stay for the day. Have a party with us, attend a family fun night or send your kids to our kids night out. Either's better for them to bounce off our walls than yours!