Alistair Langer

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Email: ****
Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Current employer:
catalyzing radical systemic change
Current title:
Agent & Companion
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Alistair Langer is from Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Alistair is currently Agent & Companion at catalyzing radical systemic change, located in Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

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Alistair Langer's current jobs
Company: catalyzing radical systemic change
Title: Agent & Companion
Period: Aug 2009 - Present (15 years, 5 months)
Location: Berlin, Berlin, Germany

as Consultant I’m your Agent: For you as an organization in my portfolio I act as a broker for virtuous relationships. I work on a retainer basis weaving complex multi-stakeholder surroundings together. I don’t cut a commission that would blur my independent role on the multiple capitals I bring in. Be it as Non-Executive Advisor or Ecosystem Weaver, I leverage the impact of your endeavor. as Coach I'm your Companion: For you as an individual I offer peer-group coaching formats, the 77 Days Next Level Business Challenge and the 77 Days Peak Performance Challenge. The curated group setting enables you to reach peak-performance, flow and impact in your everyday life. With my Matchmaking and Positioning offers I accompany you one-on-one to make sure you reach the right market fit.

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