Allen Goad MBA

Chief Executive Officer/President - Partner at Motivo
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Chief Executive Officer
Last updated: 30/04/2024 06:12 AM
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Allen Goad MBA is from United States. Allen is currently Chief Executive Officer at Motivo, located in Gardena, California, United States. Allen also works as President at Motivo, a job Allen has held since Mar 2020.

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Allen Goad MBA's current jobs
Company: Motivo
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Period: Feb 2022 - Present (2 years, 11 months)
Location: Gardena, California, United States
Company: Motivo
Title: President
Period: Mar 2020 - Present (4 years, 10 months)
Location: Gardena, California, United States

Motivo is an end-to-end product design and engineering firm, where every action is focused on developing robust production-ready designs in accelerated time frames. Motivo Engineering was inspired by the philosophy adopted by race car engineering teams that often work on custom cars end to end. By applying the same vertically integrated mindset to other domains of hardware innovation engineering, Motivo has pioneered the concept of agile for hardware. From cross-disciplinary brainstorms and design processes to hardware purchases and drawing creations – every action is focused on developing robust production-ready designs in accelerated time frames. Motivo’s integrated development process increases efficiency by reducing iterations and rework, resulting in clients getting more robust prototypes and low volume manufacturing in ridiculously short time frames.

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