Allen Tsai

Sales and Marketing Manager
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LinkedIn: Allen Tsai
Location: Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan
Current employer: ForaCare Inc.
Current title:
Sales and Marketing
Last updated: 16/01/2024 06:33 AM
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Allen Tsai is from Taipei City, Taipei City, Taiwan. Allen is currently Sales and Marketing at ForaCare Inc., located in California, United States. In Allen's previous role as a Senior Sales Supervisor at Advantech, Allen worked in until Jan 2019. Prior to joining Advantech, Allen was a Sales Manager at DANYAN Corporation and held the position of Sales Manager. Prior to that, Allen was a Sales Manager at YUTAY Industry Co., Ltd from Jan 2007 to Jan 2010. Allen started working as Computer Account Manager at WAPAC LLC in Jan 2006.

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Allen Tsai's current jobs
Company: ForaCare Inc.
Title: Sales and Marketing
Period: Dec 2021 - Present (3 years)
Location: California, United States
Allen Tsai's past jobs
Company: Advantech
Title: Senior Sales Supervisor
Period: Jan 2013 - Jan 2019 (6 years)
Company: DANYAN Corporation
Title: Sales Manager
Period: Jan 2010 - Jan 2013 (3 years)
Company: YUTAY Industry Co., Ltd
Title: Sales Manager
Period: Jan 2007 - Jan 2010 (3 years)
Company: WAPAC LLC
Title: Computer Account Manager
Period: Jan 2006 - Jan 2007 (1 year)
Allen Tsai's education
The University of British Columbia
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Economics and International Relations
2006 - Present
Allen Tsai's top skills
International Sales Account Sales Strategies
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