Allessandria Polizzi SPHR Ph D

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Location: Greater Boston
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Verdant Consulting
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:46 AM
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Allessandria Polizzi SPHR Ph D is from Greater Boston. Allessandria is currently CEO/Founder at Verdant Consulting, located in Boston, Massachusetts, United States. In Allessandria's previous role as a Chief People Officer at VetCor, Allessandria worked in until May 2021.

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Allessandria Polizzi SPHR Ph D's current jobs
Company: Verdant Consulting
Title: CEO/Founder
Period: May 2021 - Present (3 years, 8 months)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Pivoted company to provide science-based programs that build resiliency, emotional agility, and psychological health and safety through best-in-class blended training, coaching, and advisory services. Our offerings include: - Resiliency and Emotional Agility Skills for Teams (aka Verdant Resiliency for Teams) - Resiliency, Emotional Agility and Psychological Safety for Leaders (aka Verdant Resiliency for Leaders) - Resiliency and Psychological Health & Safety for Companies (aka Verdant Resiliency for Companies) - Resiliency and Emotional Agility Coaching - Resiliency and Change Readiness Organizational Assessments and Consulting - ISO 45003: Psychological Health and Safety Education and Certification - Other speaking services Hosted the Be Verdant podcast, focusing on the latest in resiliency, emotional agility, psychological health and safety, burnout prevention, and post-pandemic recovery research.

Allessandria Polizzi SPHR Ph D's past jobs
Company: VetCor
Title: Chief People Officer
Period: Oct 2019 - May 2021 (1 year, 7 months)
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