Alpesh Patel

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Email: ****l@czarmetricsystem.com
Location: Thane, Maharashtra, India
Current employer:
AXIOM Gas Engineering Pvt Ltd
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:19 AM
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Alpesh Patel is from Thane, Maharashtra, India. Alpesh is currently Chairman at AXIOM Gas Engineering Pvt Ltd.

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Alpesh Patel's current jobs
Company: AXIOM Gas Engineering Pvt Ltd
Title: Chairman
Period: Aug 2017 - Present (7 years, 5 months)

AXIOM Gas Engineering Private Limited (AGEPL) renowned ISO 9001:2008 accredited Privately Owned Company, is an approved Operator and Installer for Auto LPG Dispensing Station regulated under SMPV (U) Rules, 1981 and Parallel Marketer of LPG Pack Cylinder by PESO, Government of India. It is the most trusted and sought after Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Operations & Maintenance and Project Management Company for LPG, CNG and other hydrocarbon. It has consistently delivered projects, providing value-added engineering, construction and service skills to customers for whom the quality of execution, efficiency and reliability are critical.

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