Aman Bhaiya

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Email: ****n@sbifoundation.co.in
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Current employer: SBI Foundation
Current title:
Assistant Vice President & Program Head (Founding member)
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:24 AM
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Aman Bhaiya is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Aman is currently Assistant Vice President & Program Head (Founding member) at SBI Foundation, located in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

You can find Aman Bhaiya's email address at finalscout.com. FinalScout is a free professional database with over five hundred million business professional profiles and over two hundred million company profiles.

Aman Bhaiya's current jobs
Company: SBI Foundation
Title: Assistant Vice President & Program Head (Founding member)
Period: May 2015 - Present (9 years, 8 months)
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Aman Bhaiya is a young professional working in the development and social sector. Before joining this sector, Aman worked as an Equity Advisor. He identifies as a perpetual learner and hopes to create path-breaking policy reforms and make a stark difference in the manner CSR is implemented in India. At present, Aman is the Assistant Vice President & Program Head of SBI Foundation. He is also one of the founding members of SBI Foundation and has been a vocal advocate for the critical importance of sustainable development models in CSR. Aman believes deeply in the concept of community of practice; the idea that your knowledge should be pooled, shared and collated for people who wish to access it. He joined SBI in May 2015 to set up SBI Foundation, a CSR vehicle for undertaking strategic CSR on behalf of the entire State Bank Group which comprises of 14 subsidiaries in various sectors like Investment Banking, Insurance etc. He worked alongside the Managing Director (SBIF) and Chairman (SBI) to frame policies, deal with Tax authorities, Regulators etc. He was deputed to SBI Foundation as the AVP & Program Head with a KRA to put the company on track to become a force to reckon with. At present, He works with the top executives of SBI and its subsidiaries, handles Board meetings, regulators, auditors, consultants, vendors etc. and jointly oversees over 50 projects. Aman believes he can make this world a better place by working with visionary leaders of our time. He loves to meet people and push them to do things in a better way keeping in mind that we cannot solve the problems that we are facing right now with the same level of thinking that created the problems in the 1st place.

Aman Bhaiya's Colleagues
lalit mohan
President & COO
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Rajaram Chavan
Head Oprations- Corporate Social Responsibility
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Reshwin Noel Washington
Marketing and Communications
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Juhi Ranjan
Assistant Manager- Green Initiatives
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Ritesh Sain
Assistant Manager (Environment)
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
Aman Bhaiya has 65 colleagues in total at SBI Foundation. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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