Amanda Lavis

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Email: ****
Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
Current employer: Esquire Intelligence LTD
Current title:
CEO | Owner
Last updated: 25/07/2023 15:41 PM
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Amanda Lavis is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Amanda is currently CEO | Owner at Esquire Intelligence LTD.

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Amanda Lavis's current jobs
Title: CEO | Owner
Period: Feb 2017 - Present (7 years, 11 months)

How many happy lawyers have you met? Being a lawyer can be challenging in ways many of us don't expect. Deadlines, billing pressures, client expectations, long hours, changing laws, and other demands all combine to make the practice of law one of the most stressful jobs out there. And it’s not getting any easier. For women and minorities, institutional barriers and the ongoing global pandemic present even more challenges, leaving many of us struggling to find our place not only at the table, but in a firm. ESQ IQ® helps lawyers set a new precedent by providing leadership and management training to all levels of attorneys. Esquire Intelligence is also committed to helping increase the recruitment, retention, and promotion of women and minority attorneys, and works with law firms of all sizes to create inclusive and diverse workplaces. Better yet, Esquire Intelligence helps those partners currently at the table become inclusion influencers and allies.

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