Amber Chen

Data Scientist @ Amazon | Global Product & Customer Insights
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LinkedIn: Amber Chen
Location: Greater Seattle Area
Current employer: Amazon
Current title:
Data Scientist
Last updated: 22/05/2023 00:22 AM
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Amber Chen is from Greater Seattle Area. Amber works in the following industries: "Internet", "Higher Education", "Retail", and "Information Technology & Services". Amber is currently Data Scientist at Amazon, located in Greater Seattle Area. In Amber's previous role as a Business Intelligence Engineer at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amber worked in Virginia until Apr 2020. Prior to joining Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amber was a Data Analytics Intern at Anant Corporation and held the position of Data Analytics Intern at Washington D.C. Metro Area. Prior to that, Amber was a Web Development Engineer at National Taipei University, based in Taiwan from Jun 2015 to Jun 2016.

Amber Chen can be found on, where members can access Amber Chen's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Amber Chen's current jobs
Company: Amazon
Title: Data Scientist
Period: Apr 2020 - Present (4 years, 9 months)
Location: Greater Seattle Area
Amber Chen's past jobs
Title: Business Intelligence Engineer
Period: Aug 2018 - Apr 2020 (1 year, 8 months)
Location: Virginia

• Built real-time analytical tool that automates the end-to-end analytic and reporting process. Tools provided organization-wide access to key metrics and reports using Python and AWS cloud-based services • Implemented statistical forecasting models to predict upcoming workload in data centers. Prediction supported finance labor planning and cluster management • Built data pipeline, which consumed internal and external procurement data from multiple sources using AWS stacks, to support daily bidding decision-making process

Company: Anant Corporation
Title: Data Analytics Intern
Period: Jun 2017 - Aug 2017 (2 months)
Location: Washington D.C. Metro Area

• Extracted over 1GB data of job description from various job posting sources, transformed raw data into the useable clean csv file, and compiled the data into PostgreSQL and ElasticSearch with scripts written in Python. • Manipulated and updated database with SQL scripts, indexes, and complex queries on daily basis. • Labeled and structured raw data as training data and conducted natural language processing (NLP) techniques by producing word embeddings (word2vec) and trained classifiers (Random Forest, Support Vector Machine (SVM), AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM)) to predict different types of jobs. • Deployed classifier online as an interactive User Interface (UI) platform based on React and Node.js to help executives find potential partners and customers. • Designed data visualization to Kibana and Tableau dashboard and provided insights to assist marketing team to make better business decisions. • Applied Docker technology to place applications (Elasticsearch, PostgreSQL, Python, React) in containers. • Prepared comprehensive documented observations, analyses and interpretations of results including technical reports, summaries, protocols and quantitative analyses. Skills Used ● Code version tools: GitHub ● Agile Software Tools: Talend, Trello ● Database: PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch ● Programming: Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JSON, JavaScript(Node.js, React.js) ● Container: Docker

Company: National Taipei University
Title: Web Development Engineer
Period: Jun 2015 - Jun 2016 (1 year)
Location: Taiwan

• Applied Web analytics to collect website data to analyze user behavior and conducted A/B testing in variation of webpages to distinguish user needs with Google Analytics. • Developed search engine optimization (SEO) strategy to optimize website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to increase website traffic by 15% in the past 6 months. • Edited monthly e-paper using Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Illustrator to market course information and upcoming events to prospective and current students. The effort helped increase matriculation by 10%. • Built and maintained a graduate student online application system and database using VB.NET.

Amber Chen's education
National Taipei University
Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)
2014 - 2016
The George Washington University
Master’s Degree
2016 - 2018
National Dong Hwa University
Bachelor’s Degree
2008 - 2012
Amber Chen's top skills
Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET) SQL Data Mining Adobe Photoshop R Data Analysis Microsoft Office JavaScript XML HTML Python Tableau Text Analytics Marketing Dreamweaver Adobe Illustrator SAS C++ SPSS E-commerce SEO
Amber Chen's Colleagues
Syed Irfan Ahmed
FBA Amazon Seller
Seattle, Washington, United States
Andrew Raichlin
Seattle, Washington, United States
Abhishek Bhalerao
Manager, Transportation Procurement & Strategy
Seattle, Washington, United States
Diego González
Chief Technology Officer, Book Depository an Amazon Company
Seattle, Washington, United States
Andy Arnott
Amber Chen has 900K+ colleagues in total at Amazon. You can find all of them in FinalScout.
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