Amir Ben Khalifa
Amir Ben Khalifa is from Mulhouse, Grand Est, France. Amir Ben works in the following industries: "Consumer Electronics", "Retail", "Sporting Goods", and "Automotive". Amir Ben is currently Senior Tesla Advisor at Tesla, located in Mulhouse, Grand Est, France. In Amir Ben's previous role as a Tesla Advisor at Tesla, Amir Ben worked in Strasbourg, Grand Est, France until Dec 2020. Prior to joining Tesla, Amir Ben was a Sales Manager at IVEA SAS and held the position of Sales Manager at Papeete, Polynésie Française. Prior to that, Amir Ben was a Expert at Apple, based in Strasbourg, Grand Est, France from Dec 2016 to Feb 2019. Amir Ben started working as Department Sales Manager at Adventure HQ in Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis in Dec 2013. From May 2011 to Oct 2013, Amir Ben was Department Sales Manager at Decathlon France, based in Strasbourg, Grand Est, France. Prior to that, Amir Ben was a Assistant marketing at Foot Plus , based in Tunisie from Jun 2010 to Apr 2011.
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Amir Ben Khalifa's current jobs
- Participate to launch a new store with 4 new Tesla Advisors - Manage and train the staff: CRM, Commercial speech, product knowledges. - Ensure the weekly reporting and participate to Stores Managers calls. - Be the relay of the Area manager on the site. - Assume the role of the Operations-coordinator in the store: Supervise the progress of the administrative tasks. Work with different divisions to prepare the deliveries. - Coach people and develop competencies.
Amir Ben Khalifa's past jobs
- Supporting professional customers: Registration, Quote, Sale, Fiscal Advantages, Fleets management TCO - Support and retain particular customers: Advices, Financial solutions, Sales - Solicit the professional decision-makers and deal with Fleets Manager - Ensure Test Drives and explain the technological advances of Tesla’s vehicles to customers. - Make sales, complete orders and deliver vehicles. - Deal with the Fleet managers and solicit the professional decision-makers to get fleet orders. - Perform in Sales: 1st France Tesla Advisor on Q1 2021 - Become the B2B and CRM referent in the store.
- Manage 4 points of sale: Analyze weekly performance, Establishment of commercial and communication strategies, Managing a team of 20 people including 3 managers. - Recruit and train staff: Participate and lead recruitment seminars in partner organizations (Business School) - Host sales meetings and determine strategies based on Weekly reports from the 4 points of sale. - Manage professional clients as well as large accounts. Participate in B2B. - Search for new products and participate in the procurement of orders. - Organize external training on sales techniques and customer loyalty with specialized and recognized organizations. - Be the main interlocutor of the company with Apple France: Prepare the release of new products, Prepare Audits, Apply the standards of Visual Merchandising. - Manage the network of resellers in the islands and local prescribers and ensuring the placing and shipping of orders. - Participate in Marketing and Communication strategies: Development of catalogs, Digital communication, Media and non-media coverage.
- Supporting professional customers: Registration, Quote, Sale - Support and retain loyal customers: Advice and Sales - Highlight Apple priorities: Business, Today At Apple, Giveback - Provide employee training: Technical and functional - Manage the Visual Merchandising team (10 people): Prepare the outings of products, Ensure the opening and closing of the blind, Prepare the products showroom, Valuing and empowering team members. - Find out what's new from competitors and share it with the team. - Train and monitor the integration of new employees. - Become a store referent in services (Apple care) and B2B.
- Bike department management: 15 people (6 nationalities), 2M € budget and 1250 product references - Manage the department: Staff, Stocks, Linear, choice of product range and prices - Ensure customer service: Place orders, Treat disputes - Work daily with the central purchasing office: Plan for breaks - Set up commercial strategies: New year, Sales - Customer relationships and conflict management
- Ensure the department: Sales, Facing, Supply, Organization - Set up promotional offers: Sales, Back to school - Ensure permanent reporting with the Store manager
- Establish business strategies: Pricing, Offers - Search for sponsors and partners - Establish communication strategies: Media and Non-media - Perform Benchmarking studies: Product study, competition - Organize events: Launch evenings, Professional briefing