Amishi Parasrampuria

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Email: ****i@upcyclerslab.com
Location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
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Upcycler's Lab
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:27 AM
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Amishi Parasrampuria is from Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. Amishi is currently Founder at Upcycler's Lab.

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Amishi Parasrampuria's current jobs
Company: Upcycler's Lab
Title: Founder
Period: Feb 2018 - Present (6 years, 11 months)

www.upcyclerslab.com At Upcycler's Lab, we specialize in creating learning tools based on various environmental and sustainability concepts. Our focus is to primarily use behavioural science and play based learning techniques to change mindset around the environment. We present this through our award winning products that include board games on a host of topics such as waste segregation, ocean conservation, renewable power etc. Since we know most human behaviour is formed by age 9, our products are primarily created for and focused on ages 2-9. Our products themselves are sustainable in terms of the material that they use, they are made using recycled or FSC certifed paper and no plastic is used in varnishes and other manufacturing processes. Our designs are optimized for reducing wastage at the manufacturing level. Lastly, our products can be easily recycled in most recycling programs worldwide. Currently, our products are being used as a part of the Kuwaiti Green Schools Program as well as in Singapore by schools there. Media and recognition: - ET Now Leaders of Tomorrow: https://bit.ly/3eB4ec4 - Homegrown: https://bit.ly/2FuiYeB - The Progressive School: https://bit.ly/2FpRZSi - Brainfeed Magazine: https://bit.ly/2MLTcU7 - Kidstoppress: https://bit.ly/2QHhnnH - Mongabay India: https://bit.ly/2OltxCc - Chitralekha Magazine - The New Indian Express: https://bit.ly/2FrbLwO - We were selected as one of 6 startups to receive a seed grant as a part of Powered accelerator program which was supported by DFID, Shell Foundation, Zone Startups and Government of UK: https://bit.ly/2M6XEgB - We were selected as a part of the Climate Launchpad Program by Climate KIC (World's Largest Climate Accelerator)

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