Amy Kay Watson PCC

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Email: ****t@gmail.com
Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States
Current title:
CEO and Head Coach
Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:25 AM
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Amy Kay Watson PCC is from Columbus, Ohio, United States. Amy Kay is currently CEO and Head Coach at Career Leadership Alignment LLC, located in Columbus, Ohio, United States.

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Amy Kay Watson PCC's current jobs
Title: CEO and Head Coach
Period: Mar 2017 - Present (7 years, 10 months)
Location: Columbus, Ohio, United States

I work with professionals who are falling through the cracks as training and development programs and budgets are cut, as fewer and fewer leaders at the top are selected for precious development dollars I partner with leaders to do the less urgent but nonetheless important creative, reflective, and strategic work of leadership. I give them space and structure for making sound decisions that come from deeper values and principles. With gentle inquiry and the right tool at the right time, I help them break free from the vortex of crisis management.

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