Anaia Peddie

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Email: ****s@gmail.com
Location: Washington DC-Baltimore Area
Current employer:
Grounded Civics
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Last updated: 22/05/2023 01:21 AM
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Anaia Peddie is from Washington DC-Baltimore Area. Anaia is currently Principal at Grounded Civics, located in Washington, District of Columbia, United States.

Anaia Peddie can be found on Finalscout.com, where members can access Anaia Peddie's email for free. Finalscout is a professional database with more than 500 million business professional profiles and 200 million company profiles.

Anaia Peddie's current jobs
Company: Grounded Civics
Title: Principal
Period: Jan 2015 - Present (10 years)
Location: Washington, District of Columbia, United States

As a strategy consultant, I can help you develop a framework to align expectations to act strategically, craft an inclusive vision, and cultivate relationships to optimize social impact. I provide you with a roadmap for successful integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion principles through: Proximity: Actively build understanding, connection, and mutual trust with communities most impacted by the social change issues through intentional learning and investment. Reflection: Gather, analyze, and interpret data by race for your portfolio in order to assess biases that are limiting your impact. Then make necessary shifts to your process and investment norms. Accountability: Set racial equity goals to build power among community members and leaders proximate to the problems you seek to address. Share these goals with others who can hold you accountable. These strategies may include: Environmental/Landscape Mapping Vision & Mission Refinement Prioritization, Goals, and Key Performance Indicators Growth, Transition, Turnaround, and Collective Impact Strategies Single- and Multi-year Implementation Plans Facilitation for Board Retreats and Design Charettes

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